Monday, July 26, 2010

Travis Week 11 - Managua says hello

Buenos Dias y Managua dice ¡hola!

Hey well it has once again been another week, and I am slowly realizing how scarily fast the time is flying by here. I really can´t believe it at all. I´m coming up on five months now...It´s hard to see how time changes here cuz there´s not much to do with seasons, and so all I can do is think about it, but still that is weird. So you probably would like to hear about my week. It sure has been an interesting one so buckle up. 

So Tuesday morning we showed in the chapel of Villa Flor for our district and zone meetings. When we got there though, the Zone Leaders told us that Elder Lopez had a transfer and was headed up to Matagalpa. Anyways, so he headed on up there and honestly, I´m a little jealous cuz up there they say the weather is actually a little cold sometimes. Can you believe that? Cold! That would be amazing. But I stayed back here in good old sweaty Managua so I probably shouldn´t fantasize at not sweating all day long :) Anyways, I worked with my District Leader until my new comp arrived. Now here´s the kicker. My new comp is a Hondereño (from Honduras) named Elder Canaca. Turns out he trained Elder Lopez. In the mission, your trainer is called your Papá which means my new comp is actually my abuelo or grandpa. Funny huh? Well, he´s pretty cool. At first I was really worried though cuz he hardly smiles at all. I have no idea why but he has a hard time opening up. But this past week, we´ve been working really hard and getting to know each other more. Now he jokes and smiles around me but nobody else. It´s all right, we´ll work on that. But anyways we´ve been teaching a ton this week. Honestly, it´s been pretty tough though. 
Not a lot of people are accepting us or keeping commitments and fewer are coming to church. But I figure that because it´s been pretty hard lately, it just means that what´s in store these next few weeks is going to be just awesome. We´ve been really pushing hard to find new people and especially families. All and all though things are pretty good in Sábana Grande.

But here is a quick story from what happened this last week. Anyways, we have an investigator named Valeska, and we had taught her a couple times before. She had seemed a little hesitant with everything the first few times, and we weren´t sure what was going to happen. Anyways, we went and taught her again this week and we got talking about the Book of Mormon. She had told us that she read a little and that also she read the introduction and the testimony of the three witnesses in the beginning. So we got talking about testimonies and how we can know if something is true or not through prayer. She was really quiet through the whole time and I wasn´t exactly sure what was going on, but in the end we asked her if she had prayed about the Book of Mormon. Then she looked at us said yes. "I prayed and recieved an answer to my prayers. I know that its true. I feel peace and just wonderful. I know it´s true." Anyways, we were both just absolutely stoked to hear that. We´re hoping that she can get baptized the 7th of August.

I love this gospel. I love the Book of Mormon. It´s amazing how the Spirit works. 
I hope everything´s doing just great and I love you all very much. 

Con amor,
Elder Harris

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