Monday, July 26, 2010

Travis - week 10 - Entonces...

Buen Dia Familia

Well, hey all and I´m glad to hear everyone is great! Well, it has been another week. I honestly can´t believe it has already been another seven days. I don´t think anyone can possibly realize how incredibly fast the time goes here. It feels like seven minutes. Well, this week hasn´t been too exciting. We´ve been pretty beat up to tell you the truth. Elder Lopez hardly has a voice and I got a stomach infection for a couple days, on top of a pretty bad cold. All is well now though so no stress :)

Anyways, I was thus left with a ton of time to read the Book of Mormon. Wow, I just loved it because the time you have to read for yourself is limited. Usually it is spent studying topics, going over lessons, or studying the scriptures for your investigators. I love that too, but it is very rare to read for yourself so I was sick but made the best use I could out of the time. Anyways, I was reading in the end in Ether 12 and it is just an amazing chapter on faith or la fe. I just love how it talks about how we can have miracles and we can see miracles. The only reason we don´t see miracles is that there isn´t sufficient faith. I then got to read in Moroni 7 and wow that is awesome too because it talks about faith and hope and how if we truly have these two things, we´ll have charity which is the pure love of Christ. These are just two beautiful parts of the Book of Mormon.

Well, all in all though, we´ve just been plugging along when we can. This next week though is really going to be good I hope. We´re still trying really hard with a girl named Kellen. She already knows everything is true, she loves the Book of Mormon and reads it all the time, but she´s having a billion things thrown in her way and we´re hoping to help her overcome those things so this Saturday she can be baptized. And that itself gets me thinking about how in the Book of Mormon it talks about baptism and how wonderful it is. How people risked everything just to take upon themselves the name of Christ. I could just go on forever and ever talking about just this. And then forever and ever about the Book of Mormon. I just love it.

Also, this Sunday I walked into our little house where we have Sacrament meeting about five minutes early and Hermano Riveras from the branch looks at me and says, I´m looking forward to your talk... What talk?... I even spoke first which was interesting cuz I had no time to plan. But I absolutely loved it. And I invite you to look up the reason, 2 Nefi 33:1. The Lord is really in this work. I spoke on faith to a little nucleo of 8 members in a house with concrete walls and a tin roof, in a rain storm in the middle of Nicaragua. Honestly, I had no idea what to talk about or what to say but the words came and the Spanish came. The people understood, and even though I had no idea, it was what needed to be heard. I know that the Lord is helping us in so many ways I cannot describe. I love the chance I have to be here in Nicaragua. I love the people here even when they don´t love me and my crazy white shirt and tie. I love the Book of Mormon. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love my Savior. I know He died for us, and I know He lives. I love this mission.

Elder Harris

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