Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 9 - Update

Just a note to everyone.

Hey all! Sorry but I took this week to write to my family a little more than usual. So you don't get much. Just so you know, things are doing great down here in Nicaragua. Very wet again but what can you do? Good news for the week is that Michael is super stoked and wants to serve a mission. He's got problems walking but he's still ready and willing. It's awesome to hear, "yeah I want to serve a mission. I know the church is true and want everyone to know it too." Sweet huh? Anyways I love you and just want to tell you how important the scriptures are. I've been reading in Third Nephi recently and it is just awesome. We always invite people, read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and you'll recieve an answer. Well, I'm inviting anyone who isn't sure or doesn't know. Read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and you'll recieve an answer. I love it. I know it's true. It truly has changed my life.

Con amor,
Elder Harris

...So I'm out of time completely but want to tell you that I can't believe you went to Disneyland without me but when we go in two years Space Mountain will be working - just for me.

To answer your questions, I still havent gotten the package. It is either still coming which is very possible ( one missionary had to wait four months ) or Nica customs got hungry with whatever you sent. I am officially Nicaragua Managua Norte and our president is another Guatemalteco named Presidente Arredondo who is way cool. My new address is below [note from the mom: emails are most likely to reach him, however]

Elder Timothy Travis Harris
Oficinas Discover
Oficina 2D
Apartado Postal 3600
Managua CA Nicaragua

Like I said, no time but I love you a ton and miss your food a ton. I know the church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true and I love to tell everyone possible.

Con amor,
Elder Harris

Pics next week if the computer doesn't stink.

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