Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Travis Week 7 - Bienvenidos a Semana 7

Hola Familia y Amigos!!

Como estan todos? Wow, it's been a very long time. So long in fact that this missionary will be heading to the field in less than two weeks. Increible no? But yeah, I should be heading out here around May 3rd so I'm pretty excited to get down to Nicaragua. This also signifies that I have less than a week as zone leader. While I have loved being able to serve, I'm ready to take a rest from being in charge of MTC missionaries. I think all the class gets to the brain after a while and turns them crazy. But, I guess if you're not a little loco in the head while you're here, you're not working hard enough.

Let's see, I don't really know what to talk about. This week has been going really well. We've been teaching a lot in the Teaching Evaluation Center which has helped a lot. Every teacher in there is an RM which makes it really cool to get feedback. I don't know if I've talked about this fake investigator we have named Jax so here goes. He's actually played by an RM named Brother Blazzard from Mountain Green. He knows Max which was neat so give him a heads up for me. Anyways, Jax is really crazy. Not really, but he likes to have a fun time. The first time we ever taught him, we basically got another appointment and that's it. The rest of the time he had us listening to some crazy latino radio and I think he even threw a banana peel once. But after a couple of times we learned how to ask the right questions, and we were able to share the importance of the Book of Mormon. What I love about the Book of Mormon is how you can apply it to your life, because it was written for us in this day. The Book of Enos is perhaps one of my favorites to relate to the investigators, so take a look if you want.

Other than that, life has been pretty much the same. I wake up, go to class, go eat, wish I hadn't eaten cafeteria food for the past 7 weeks, and then keep on chuggin til bed. But I love every minute of it. I learn how to help people find the gospel, but I feel like I am the one being helped the most. There is a certain peace and joy in this work that you can't even describe.

Another interesting bit of news. I have now met the oldest missionary I've seen out here (out of us younger missionaries - the senior's don't count.) He's 27 and from Philadelphia. He's really cool and it's been neat getting to know him and all the new missionaries we've introduced here. It's really actually pretty sad though. Elder Hughes and I have only one more batch this week to introduce and then we'll be done and moving on.

Speaking of introducing people to the MTC, I get to be a host tomorrow. Do you remember the missionary that grabbed me from the curb and shuttled me away for the next two years? Once again, I get to be part of that experience, except I'll be the one taking away the Greenie. Exciting huh?

Well, I've pretty much been trying to cram as much as I can here in the last 30 minutes so it is a little disorganized. But if it wasn't a little crazy every once and a while, it wouldn't be me would it? Pues, les quiero todos y espero que tengan semanas maravillosas.

Su misionero preferido,
Elder Harris

Oh and gracias a todos por sus cartas. Me encantan cartas! Son buenisimas!

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